This 5L Original Bennett and Dunn Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil has a gentle creamy nutty flavour. It can be used as a healthy alternative to olive oil for marinades, dipping and drizzling. It cooks at a higher temperature without effecting the many health benefits, character or taste. Unlike olive oil, It is also ideal for roasting, baking and stir-drys. Perfect for use in restaurants, cafes and bars.
Cold pressed Rapeseed oil has the lowest saturated fat content of any culinary oil and less than half that of olive oil. As a nation we still consume too much saturated fat which can lead to symptoms such as high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.
Cold pressed Rapeseed oil has been shown to help reduce such symptoms when combined with a balanced diet.
Our Rapeseed oil is rich in Omega 3,6 & 9 and is a high source of vitamin E. Latest research shows Omega fats are essential for heart health, general wellness and to help maintain a healthy immune system.
Our rapeseed oil is safe to cook at a high temperature with a burning point of 230c
It contains no artificial preservatives and is trans-fat and GM free. No heat involved. No additives during filtering.
No petro chemical solvents.
Celebrity chefs are raving about cold pressed Rapeseed oils outstanding health benefits, flavour and versatility, so has now become a must have in the kitchen.
With such obvious benefits, why not try Bennett & Dunn Premium Quality Rapeseed Oil.
Liam Tinsley, Head Chef / Director
Brad Carter, Chef
Carters of Moseley
Louise Welsby
CEO - Buy-From Shropshire